Thursday, November 30, 2006


God knows that I need encouragement right now. I've got so many things going to hell in my life that I've decided to stop numbering them. Then, just when you decide to roll up into a big, greasy ball of self-pity, you see something marvelous...

I saw this film one time almost twenty years ago and it has never left my heart or mind. The images and emotion of it would often bubble up inside of me at various times. It was (and still is) the single most moving and significant animation I'd ever seen. Today I stumbled upon a link to a stream of this magnificent piece of work and I wish to share it with you. "The Man Who Planted Trees" is a parable sorely needed in our time. It shows how man's passions can both destroy and revive a world. It shows how one person does make a difference. For those who have broadband (and perhaps those who don't), I urge you to take the 30 minutes and watch this Academy Award winning animation. Click here to view the video.

"Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin."


Blogger Ian said...

Great stuff, I think I'll repost the link on my blog. More people need to see this.

December 01, 2006 8:13 PM  
Blogger Frank Black said...

I remember when I first saw this film, I wasn't quite the environmentalist type that I am now. But the idea of sorting, soaking and planting acorns each day resonated within me. I have no idea why, but I'm sure it bore witness to some instinct within us all.


Yes, I checked that out too! I wondered if it was based on a true or even true-ish story. Regardless, it was wonderful.


By all means, get out the word. It really needs more views. The story isn't preachy, yet it's message stays with you (no matter which side of the political fence you call home).

December 01, 2006 10:16 PM  

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